Monday, January 9, 2012

Welcome To Hilltop Homestead - Rusty

Welcome to the homestead Rusty.

I have known Rusty for over 20 years as we have a mutual friend.  After finally talking ourselves today I can see where we should have been talking long before now.

I don't blog every day but I try to get several in a week.  That is if I can find something to blog about.

Our homestead is still in the infant stages but it is growing and we are learning.  Thank God for our blogging friends who we are able to share ideas and learn from.

Rusty also has a blog spot where he blogs about the goings on in his part of the woods or desert at Ideas and Opinions.  He lives somewhat of a dual life.  I look forward to seeing what he has done and what he will do next.


  1. I thought Rusty was a new puppy when I first glanced at it! lol

  2. @ Jacqueline - No, Rusty is a man. That is just our welcome dog Opal that you need to come out and meet.
